High School Chemistry with Mrs. Anderson

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Classroom Policies Part I

Classroom Policies Part II

Classroom Policies Part III

Excel Graph




General Procedures

1 - Bring with you to class everyday, unless told otherwise:  a pencil or pen (blue or black); your Chemistry BINDER. On occasion you will need an calculator. I will tell you ahead of time. There will be “spot” checks on preparation for class. This is part of your grade.

2 - When you enter the class, go to your seat, read the assignment on the board and begin to work. I will collect the assignment approx. 5 minute after the bell rings.

3 - Work is to be passed to the side, towards the clock/bulletin board wall, then passed forward to the first person in that row.  Assignments of greater weight will be collected individually.

4 - When I wish to call the class to attention during lab activities I shall raise my hand and say, “Give me Five.” You then will do the following 5 steps:

A- Look towards me. (Eyes)

B- Stop talking. (Mouth)

C- Put anything down that is in your hands. (Hands)

D- Stop moving. (Body)

E- Listen. (Ears)

5 - I dismiss the class, not the bell. You are to remain at your seat, working until I tell you that you can leave. You are not to pack up early or leave your seat before I give you permission. You are not to stand and wait by the door.



RAA  08/27/08  GHS Science