Classroom Policies Part III
High School Chemistry with Mrs. Anderson

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Classroom Policies Part I

Classroom Policies Part II

Classroom Policies Part III

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Rules (for which there are consequences)
1 - Come to class on time.  When tardy you need a pass from the teacher that delayed you.  If not, you have a detention - 30 mins the next day.

2 - Cheating is forbidden - you will receive a zero, there will be adminstrative action, and a parent/guardian will be called.  This includes plagarism.

3 - Horseplay is forbidden, especially in the lab area - you will be removed from the class/lab, you will receive a zero, there will be administrative action, and you will write a letter to your parent/guardian explaining the situation.  If you repeat this behavior, you will be permanently removed from the lab area and isolated within the classroom.

4 - Be prepared.  You will receive 1 pt / day for preparation.  If you need to leave the room for ANY reason (other than the nurse or the "office" calls you down) you will lose your point.  If you don't have a pen/pencil, calculator, notepaper, and your text (when needed) you will lose your point. 

5 - Do not write on the desks.  If you find writing on the desk, let me know ASAP so I don't blame you.  If you are determined to be responsible for the writing on the desk you have a detention the next day, for as long as it takes for you to clean ALL the desks in the room to my satisfaction.

6 - Accept responsibility for your actions - I will be more patient with you if you admit when you make an error.  If you don't and it is determined you are at fault you will have a detention the next day - 30 mins - plus, depending on the situation a note home and/or adminstrative action.

7 - Treat all people with respect, whether you like them or not.  Unacceptable comments / actions will be dealt with as needed with the appropriate consequences.

Midterm / Final Exam

There will be a midterm and final exam.  Each accounts for 10% of your grade (therefore, 20% total).  The midterm will be given at the approximate midpoint (depending on where we are at the end of 2nd quarter).  It will include the material from the first half of the year.  The final exam will be given during final exam "week" and include material from the seond part of the year, plus whatever information from the first part is related.

Your midterm grade and your final exam grade will appear on your final report card in separate columns. 


RAA  07/29/09  GHS Science